
How Does Dunkin Donuts Decaffeinate Their Coffee?

Dunkin’ Donuts offers a variety of ways to enjoy coffee, including decaffeinated options. But how does Dunkin’ Donuts decaffeinate their coffee? The process begins with high-quality sourcing beans from around the world.

Once the beans are roasted to perfection, they are placed in a water chamber where they soak for several hours. This extract is passed through a carbon filter that removes 97% of the caffeine. The remaining solution is returned to the beans, which helps them retain their flavor and aroma.

Dunkin Donuts Decaf Coffee Review

Dunkin’ Donuts uses a process known as the Swiss Water Process to decaffeinate their coffee. This process involves immersing the beans in water to extract the caffeine and using charcoal filters to remove any remaining traces of caffeine. The result is a cup of coffee that is 99.9% caffeine-free.

Is Dunkin Donuts Decaf Coffee Swiss Water Processed

Dunkin’ Donuts Decaf Coffee is Swiss Water Processed. The Swiss Water Process is a 100% chemical-free process that uses only water to extract caffeine. This results in a coffee cup with 99.9% of its caffeine removed.

How Does Dunkin Donuts Decaffeinate Their Coffee?

Credit: www.amazon.com

What Method Does Dunkin Donuts Use to Decaffeinate Coffee?

Dunkin Donuts Decaffeinated coffee is brewed using the Swiss Water Process. This method uses water to extract the caffeine from the beans, resulting in a 99.9% caffeine-free product. The Swiss Water Process is a gentle, 100% chemical-free decaffeination method that preserves the bean’s original flavor.

Is Dunkin Donuts Decaf Coffee Really Decaf?

Dunkin’ Donuts decaf coffee is not 100% decaffeinated. According to the company, their decaf coffee beans are 97.5% caffeinated. The other 2.5% is made up of naturally occurring caffeine and other compounds that are difficult to remove during decaffeination.

This means that a cup of Dunkin’ Donuts decaf coffee may contain up to 25mg of caffeine – about the same as a can of Coke.

Is Methylene Chloride Decaffeination Safe?

Methylene chloride (dichloromethane) is a solvent used in many industrial processes, including as a paint stripper and metal degreaser. It’s also used to decaffeinate coffee beans. Methylene chloride is a volatile organic compound (VOC) that evaporates quickly at room temperature and can be inhaled.

Short-term exposure to high levels of methylene chloride can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, loss of coordination, and unconsciousness. Long-term exposure has been linked to cancer. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers methylene chloride a possible human carcinogen, and the European Union has classified it as a category two carcinogen.

In 2015, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposed banning the use of methylene chloride in food processing, but the regulation has not yet been finalized. So is methylene chloride decaffeination safe? The answer isn’t clear-cut.

Some experts say that the risk is minimal because coffee beans are only exposed to methylene chloride for a short time during the decaffeination process. Others point to studies linking long-term exposure to cancer and argue that any level of exposure is too high. The bottom line is that more research is needed to determine the risks of consuming coffee decaffeinated with methylene chloride.

Does Dunkin Donuts Have Good Decaf Coffee?

Dunkin’ Donuts is a great place to start if you’re looking for a good cup of decaf coffee. Although they don’t offer a wide variety of decaf coffees, the few they have are all high quality and taste great. The Dark Roast Decaf Coffee is our top pick, as it has a rich flavor that wakes you up without the caffeine kick.

If you’re looking for something a bit lighter, the Medium Roast Decaf is also excellent. Whichever you choose, you’ll be sure to get a delicious cup of coffee to help you power through your day.


Dunkin’ Donuts decaffeinates their coffee using the Swiss water process. This process uses only water to extract the caffeine from the beans, meaning no chemicals are used in the decaffeination process. The beans are first soaked in hot water to release the caffeine, then filtered through a carbon filter to remove the caffeine.

The beans are soaked in fresh water to re-absorb all of the flavor compounds extracted during the first step. This process results in coffee that is 99.9% caffeine free.

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